Student Headcounts
Unduplicated Enrollment headcount 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Total annual 6,697 7,625 7,510 7,621 7,933
  Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
Full-time 830 778 741 879 778 764 812 889 760 1,004
Part-time 2,872 3,013 3,352 3,560 3,512 3,201 3,599 3,687 3,957 3,978
Noncredit 249 311 324 318 413 460 363 206 142 112
Student headcount has steadily increased over the five-year period represented.  The comparatively large population of part-time students is likely attributable to Fire Science students who enroll part-time through an instructional services agreement.  Non-credit only student headcounts are subject to semester by semester variation.
Source: Colleague ERP/Business Objects