Comprehensive Educational Plan


Working together as a community, Palo Verde Community College District (PVCCD) is in the process of creating its new Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP). This plan will establish the vision and strategic goals for Palo Verde College's instructional programs, student support services, facilities, technology, and staffing over the next eight years. The CEP will align with the California Community College Chancellor's Office Vision 2030, Vision for Success, Guided Pathways Initiative, and Palo Verde College's Mission, Vision, and Values. The plan will be grounded in qualitative and quantitative data and will incorporate emerging educational trends along with the evolving needs of our students and our community.

A PVCCD Comprehensive Educational Plan webpage has been established to provide the college and community with a overview and ongoing updates for the project. It supports transparency and communication as the plan is developed over the next several months.

Project Overview

The CEP project began in Spring 2024 with introductory presentations to the Board of Trustees, College Council, and the Academic Senate. An overview of the project will also be presented at a Collegewide meeting during Fall 2024. The College formed an ad hoc CEP Task Force, and its members will work with Dr. Lori Bennett and Ms. Nga Pham, Higher Education Consultants, to guide the development of the plan. The Task Force includes managers, faculty, classified professionals, student representatives, and community members. Clint Cowden, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instruction and Student Services, and Sarah Frid, Business Management Instructor and Academic Senate President, will serve as the Task Force Co-Chairs.

The Comprehensive Educational Plan will provide a roadmap for PVCCD for the next eight years, and it will integrate various planning efforts that currently exist in the College. It will also serve as a guide for strategic planning, resource allocation, and other emerging plans of the College.

The CEP website will provide a project overview, monthly project updates, and Task Force meeting agendas and presentation documents throughout the process.

Project Timeline

The Comprehensive Educational Plan project will proceed through four steps during the development process:

  • Step 1: Preparation and Discovery (May - Nov 2024)
  • Step 2: Analyze, Interpret, and Reflect (Aug 2024 - Feb 2025)
  • Step 3: Innovate, Aspire, and Set Goals (Feb - Mar 2025)
  • Step 4: College Review and Board Approval (Apr - July 2025)

During Step 1: Preparation and Discovery, the consulting team will begin developing the CEP draft document, organizing the internal and external data, and preparing a template for the CEP project webpage. Next, the consulting team will conduct the environmental scan, develop a data portfolio, and conduct focus groups with college constituents and community partners.

During Step 2: Analyze, Interpret, and Reflect, the consulting team will analyze the quantitative and qualitative data, and present the findings to the CEP Task Force. The consulting team will also develop and present trends, planning assumptions, challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for potential new programs and college enrollment growth. The CEP Task Force will participate in interactive analysis and discussion about the data, interpret the findings related to current college plans and activities, and reflect on where the College should focus moving forward.

During Step 3: Innovate, Aspire, and Set Goals, the consulting team will facilitate an interactive work session where the CEP Task Force and members of President's Cabinet will develop innovative strategic goals and objectives that will guide the College as it aspires to new levels of student support and success. To complete this step, the consulting team will provide a draft of the CEP, the CEP Task Force will review the document, and a final recommended draft of the CEP will be forwarded to the Superintendent/President.

Step 4: College Review and Board Approval is the final stage of the project. During this step, the Superintendent/President will send the draft CEP document out for college constituent review and then forward the final draft to the Board of Trustees for review and approval.

Project Completion

Steps 1-3 of the CEP development project are expected to be completed by late March 2025. Step 4 is expected to be completed in July 2025. Upon Board approval, the final Palo Verde Community College District Comprehensive Educational Plan 2025-2033 will be ready to implement in Fall 2025.

The Comprehensive Educational Plan 2025-2033 will replace the Comprehensive Master Plan 2016-2024. You may review the current Comprehensive Master Plan here.

If you have any questions, please contact Alma Correa, Dean of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness at or (760) 921-5474.



Comprehensive Educational Plan Task Force Members

Monthly Progress Reports

May Summary:

During May, Dr. Lori Bennett and Ms. Nga Pham, higher education consultants, presented an overview of the Comprehensive Educational Plan project to the Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, and College Council. The ad hoc Comprehensive Educational Plan Task Force was established and will hold its kick-off meeting in August.

June/July Summary:

August Summary:

September Summary:

October Summary:

November Summary:

December/January Summary:

February Summary:

March Summary: