Career Assessment


Your ideas who you are and what you want to become influence your career plans and decisions. The role of the inventories in DISCOVER is to collect information about you and organize it in a way to assist your career exploration and planning.

DISCOVER who you are, what you want to be when you grow up with the DISCOVER program that is available to you free with Palo Verde College: Students need to contact Hortensia Rivera, Transfer and Career Center Director/Counselor in order to obtain a User ID and Password.

DISCOVER is available at

The results of the interest, abilities, and values inventories are presented in an integrated way that makes it easy to understand the results as a whole by relating them to the world of work. DISCOVER's World-of-Work Map lets you see how interests, abilities, and work values relate to each other.

The Transfer and Career Center has a guide to help you explore your skills , interests, aptitudes and attitudes towards a fulfilling career. Please follow the link for more information.